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Popular science | Focus on Osteoporosis, Starting from Bone Density Examination


Osteoporosis is a disease of the elderly. At present, China is the country with the largest number of osteoporosis patients in the world. Osteoporosis is also the most common disease among middle-aged and elderly people. According to relevant data, the number of osteoporosis patients in China is about 70 million. With the advancement of China’s aging society, osteoporosis has increasingly become one of the important public health problems in China.


01. What is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a systemic bone disease in which bone density and bone quality decrease due to various reasons, bone microstructure is destroyed, bone fragility increases, and fractures are prone to occur. There are no obvious symptoms in the early stage of osteoporosis. With the aggravation of osteoporosis, there will be symptoms such as back pain, hunchback, and shortness. Fracture is the most serious symptom of osteoporosis. Among them, the mortality rate of hip fracture in the elderly is extremely high .


02. Bone density examination is an important basis for the diagnosis of osteoporosis

Bone mineral density refers to the bone mass contained in unit volume (volume density) or unit area (area density), which is an important indicator of bone quality, reflects the degree of osteoporosis, and is also an important basis for predicting the risk of fracture. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is the “gold standard” of bone density examination. It measures the examiner’s bone minerals through machine scanning, and can accurately measure the degree of bone loss in patients. important basis for diagnosis.


03 What is the T-score and Z-score of the bone density test?


The results of bone density examination are calculated by comparing with the standard database to obtain relative T and Z values.

T value: The relative value of the measured value and the average value of adults of the same sex (for the judging standard of adult measurement)

Z-score: The relative value of the measured value to the average value of peers of the same gender (judging standard for children’s measurements).


The diagnostic criteria for T value are:

normal bone mass

T-value ≥ – 1




T-value ≤ -2.5

severe osteoporosis

T-value ≤ -2.5with one or more fractures


The Z-score diagnostic criteria are:

normal bone mass


mildly insufficient bone strength


Moderately insufficient bone strength


Severely insufficient bone strength


04. Recommended population for bone density examination

According to the “Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Osteoporosis in China” issued by the Bone and Mineral Diseases Branch of the Chinese Medical Association in 2017, the following groups should undergo bone density testing early:

1. Women over 65 years old and men over 70 years old, regardless of other osteoporosis risk factors

2. Women under the age of 65 and men under the age of 70 have one or more risk factors for osteoporosis

3. Adults with a history of fragility fractures

4. Adults with low sex hormone levels caused by various reasons

5. Those with osteoporotic changes in X-ray film

6. Those who receive osteoporosis treatment and monitor the curative effect

7. Those who have a history of affecting bone metabolism diseases or using drugs that affect bone metabolism

8. Positive answers to the one-minute IOF osteoporosis test

9. OSTA result ≤ -1

This indication is quite extensive, and basically people over 40 years old and people with risk factors can be tested for bone density.


05 Precautions for bone density examination:

DXA has the advantages of low radiation, safe and fast, and accurate measurement. Its radiation dose is quite low. For patients who have undergone gastrointestinal radiography within the previous week, bone density examination should be performed several days (more than 7 days is better); for patients who have undergone nuclear medicine examination, it is best to have bone density examination first or the next day Better; when the patient cannot lie supine or exceeds the weight of the examination table, the bone density of the trunk cannot be tested, but the bone density of the forearm can be measured.

06How to prevent and treat osteoporosis?

If you have found that you have osteopenia or osteoporosis, you should actively take measures to treat it. Prevention and treatment measures mainly include lifestyle adjustments, bone health supplements, and drug therapy.

Adjust lifestyle: strengthen nutrition, balanced diet; sufficient sunshine; regular exercise; quit smoking, limit alcohol; avoid excessive drinking of coffee; avoid excessive drinking of carbonated beverages;

Bone health supplement: ensure daily calcium intake of 1000mg, women over 50 years old, men over 70 years old, need to increase calcium intake to 1200mg; sufficient vitamin D can increase intestinal calcium absorption, promote bone strength, maintain muscle strength, Improve balance and reduce the risk of falls.



07. Prevention of osteoporosis, focus on action

For osteoporosis, early prevention and effective intervention can prevent aging and prolong life to a certain extent. Bone density measurement is of great significance in the early detection of osteopenia and osteoporosis. It is recommended for young and middle-aged friends to pay attention to their own bone density, understand their own bone density status, and prevent osteoporosis, starting from measuring bone density.

No.1 primary prevention of osteoporosis

The primary prevention of osteoporosis should start in childhood and adolescence. Pay attention to eating more calcium-rich foods, keep exercising, get more sun exposure, do not smoke or drink too much, and drink less coffee, strong tea and carbonated drinks, so as to reduce the risk of osteoporosis as much as possible. Raise your bone peak value to a higher level and reserve sufficient bone mass for your future life.

No.2 Secondary prevention of osteoporosis

The secondary prevention of osteoporosis refers to middle-aged women, especially postmenopausal women, during which the rate of bone loss is accelerated. It is recommended to have a bone density check every 1-2 years to understand the changes in bone density. At the same time, proper supplementation of calcium and vitamin D, adherence to good living habits, such as regular physical activity, reasonable dietary nutrition, non-smoking, and drinking less alcohol can effectively prevent osteoporosis.

No.3 Tertiary prevention of osteoporosis

The tertiary prevention of osteoporosis is usually to find low bone density or already suffering from osteoporosis after old age. At this time, we should continue to exercise properly, prevent falls, and prevent fractures. At the same time, we should still actively supplement calcium and vitamin D , Strengthening drug treatment can effectively prevent bone loss and reduce the risk of fractures, and even reverse bone density.

It’s never too late to start focusing on bone health.

Pinyuan Ultrasound Bone Densitometer and DXA Bone Denstometry Protect Your Bone Health.


Post time: Mar-17-2023